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inspecting authorities中文是什么意思

用"inspecting authorities"造句"inspecting authorities"怎么读"inspecting authorities" in a sentence


  • 检验当局


  • The inspecting authorities shall keep confidential the technological know - how and business secrets of the units inspected
  • The inspecting authorities shall have the obligation to keep confidential the technological know - how and business secrets of the units inspected
  • The supervising and inspecting authority may , according to circumstances , impose on them a fine of more than 10 , 000 yuan and less than 200 , 000 yuan . article 28
  • Article 17 . in exercising supervision over and carrying out inspection of acts of unfair competition , the supervising and inspecting authorities are entitled to exercise the following functions and powers
  • Article 19 . when the supervising and inspecting authorities are exercising supervision over and carrying out inspection of acts of unfair competition , the operators under investigation , interested parties and witnesses shall truthfully provide them with relevant data or information
  • Where the designated operators , taking advantage of this arrangement , foist inferior but high - priced goods on buyers or make exorbitant charges , the supervising and inspecting authorities shall confiscate the illegal income and may , according to circumstances , impose a fine of more than twice and less than three times the illegal income
  • Article 25 . where any party infringes the business secret of another person in contravention of the provisions of article 10 of this law , the relevant supervising and inspecting authority shall order him to desist from the illegal act and may , according to circumstances , impose on him a fine of more than 10 , 000 yuan and less than 200 , 000 yuan
  • Where an operator uses advertisement or other means to give false , misleading publicity to his goods , the relevant supervising and inspecting authority shall order him to desist from the illegal act , dispel the bad influence , and may , according to circumstances , impose a fine of more than 10 , 000 yuan and less than 200 , 000 yuan
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